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Capacity Building Session was held on PWD Rest House on 21st December 2021 under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner of Gurugram regarding Haryana Government Scheme (with respect to registration of Sale Deep, SVAMITVA Scheme and working of GuruJal Society) to the 47th Advanced Professional Programme to the officers of Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.

The session was attended by more than 40 officials including Program Director and Co-Director IIPA, Director- Department of Telecom, Brigadier, Colonel from the Indian Army, Air Commander-Indian Air Force, Commander, Indian Navy, Director and Deputy Director- Department of Higher Education, Joint Secretary were some of the attending officers in the workshop. From District Administration Additional Deputy Commissioner, Gurugram, District Development & Panchayat Officer and GuruJal Team was present. Deputy Commissioner, Gurugram explained the role and significance of having an initiative like GuruJal in the district and how it has been successful in bringing about considerable change in water management. He explained how GuruJal is making the district water conscious.

GuruJal team presented the aims, objectives, vision and mission of GuruJal Society. Overall structure and working deliverables of GuruJal society were put forth.  The presentation was about how and why GuruJal was started, what are our mandates, interventions put ahead, milestones achieved so far.

Attendees took great interest in work carried out by GuruJal as to how it is making the district water resilient, discussing the Water Security Plan of the State and GuruJal’s effort to achieve the same.

Main point discussed during the workshop are:

  • Impact of Rainwater Harvesting Structures;
  • Impact of Restoration and Rejuvenation of Ponds;
  • How Biodiversity Park will impact the surrounding areas and eco-restoration;
  • Role of community participation in various interventions of GuruJal;
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