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GuruJal organized the plantation drive in the Month of July at the Pond sites of Daultabad,  Budhera, Bilaspur, Hariyahera and Palasoli with an objective to raise awareness among people to protect the environment by looking at various problems regarding scorching issues of environmental pollution, drastic climatic changes, greenhouse effects, global warming etc. among human beings. The objective was to raise global awareness about the significance of healthy environment issues by implementing some actions to protect nature and earth leading to a positive and healthy environment for all

When you plant a tree, you are not only planting a Sapling but also hoping for the best. Tree planting is recognised as one of the most engaging, environmentally-friendly activities that people can participate in to help the planet when done properly. Trees provide shade, Shade can make all the difference for an angler on hot summer days. It inhibits the growth of unwanted aquatic vegetation and algae in the Pond. Shade also lowers the temperature of the water. If water is too hot, it will not hold enough dissolved oxygen for aquatic life to survive and could lead to fish kills. Plants are great at preventing erosion, and removing nutrients and contaminants from soil and water. Agricultural runoff and stormwater can add sediment, nitrates, phosphorus, and other trace elements to water bodies. Having a forested buffer around a pond or lake greatly reduces the amount of excess pollutants that reach the surface water.

In this plantation drive, we involved 1100+ stakeholders including the local community, Youth Clubs, Self-Help Groups, NRLM team, Sarpanch, Nambardar, School Students and Teachers. Our CSR Partners Hyundai Motor India Foundation and Honda team participated in all activities during the plantation drive with great enthusiasm. They helped in planting the trees around the Pond Sites and pledged to be loyal to nature. Gurujal informed participants about the role/ importance of ponds and plantation, and the current situation of water in the district. For making the event more engaging, we organised team games like tug of wars, Blind fold Caterpillar Race. Total of 581+ saplings were planted in plantation drives at the sites. A Beautiful Herbal Garden  with herbs like Aloevera, Tulsi(Basil) has been set up at Palasoli Pond. Herbal Garden creates awareness of conservation and traditional uses of herbs and medicinal plants to visitors, and to also be a place where students, farmers, and others can learn how to identify and conserve these important plants.  Saplings of different-different kinds were planted at the sites Hibiscus, Sahajna, Emli, Chandani, Paapdi, Badh, Bakaan and many more. The trees have spiritual and religious importance which will keep the community connected with the johads. 

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