Area: 1.2 acres

Year of completion: 2021

Village: Khentawas, Farukhnagar

Impact beneficiaries:  1300+

Groundwater level before rejuvenation:  35 mbgl.

Wastewater Treatment Technology: Advance ECO Reactor Technology 


Impact –

To improve the percolation of water, the pond was dewatered and desilted. During desilting, 3 feet of the pond’s silt layer was removed from the bottom of the pond. This resulted in increasing the percolation rate. Over a period of 5 months, the entire water body was first dewatered of the polluted water, desilted to remove the deposited layers of polluted silt, with the simultaneous construction of a decentralised 150 KLD advanced ECO Reactor technology that was placed before the inlet of the pond. The plant is based on the basic principle of trickling filter, where the wastewater is sprayed over a bed of numerous layers of gravels, bio-filters such as coconut husks that are also initiated with enzymes that treat the water, that provide both physical and biological filtration. Treated water is then disposed of into the pond. 

The pond has become a recreational area for the community with the added element of Landscaping and kids play area. Waste elements have been used for the landscaping like waste stone and bricks for the filling inside the entrance gate frame, and seatings, waste glass bottles used for the plantation across the pond boundary, waste flushing tanks  have been used for plantations.

The pond will recharge 5,27,94,000 litres of freshwater per year, which is sufficient for 2700+  people for 365 days apart for many other co-benefits.

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