We lose 30,000 ponds every year

Ponds have long been vital for irrigation, drinking water, household needs, and groundwater recharge, serving as lifelines for countless communities. However, with only 30% of wastewater in India being treated, untreated effluents often pollute these vital water bodies, making them unfit for use. Coupled with urbanization and encroachment, this has resulted in the loss of over 2 million ponds in the past 60 years.

At Gurujal, we are addressing this crisis by integrating pond rejuvenation with wastewater treatment. Our mission is to restore these ponds not only as resilient systems for groundwater recharge, but also abundant sources of water for community use.

Reclaiming each pond creates a ripple effect of positive change


Facilitated restoration of Ponds

5.7 MLD

Wastewater treated


Million Litre/ Year Groundwater recharged


Decrease in Ambient temperature


People impacted

Video about various stakeholders coming together for pond rejuvenation